Econ 370 Assignment Help | Econ 370 Homework Help
Recently we provide the Econ 370 Assignment help or Economics homework help of the following two works :
Choose two
countries with very different factor endowments
(one developed and the other developing)
List the key
resources of the chosen countries
Provide a list of
top 10 export and import between these
two countries over the last five years
( a chart is
Does the trade
pattern follow the prediction of the H-O model?
Explain with clarity why or why not.
Does product cycle
theory explain any part of the trade between these two countries?
What do you think
would be the expected changes in income distribution in the countries you have
Assignment 2
Choose two
countries with similar factor endowments (you may choose two developed
Provide a list of
top ten export and import between these two countries over the last five years

What has been the
share of intra-industry trade in percentage? List by years
Has any political
or media attention been paid to this bilateral trade pattern and if so, in what
areas? Why? (is there any controversy on this trade
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