1. To define the problem of the product
2. Decision Choice (Alternatives)
3. Collection of the information
4. And Chose best alternatives
5. Analysis of the information
6. To develop marketing plan
7. Take the final decision
From the above points, it is clear that to assess the demand of the global products then marketing research should be done by the company. The best and accurate marketing research is the analysis of the demand of the past product, growth and potential of the product in the global marketing.
Purpose of marketing and research methodology
Marketing research is the systematic and complete scope search and study for the product which is facing problem in the global marketing. In the present scenario, all the companies sell the product in the international market to increase the profit. The major reason of the marketing research is the analysis and opportunities of the product in the global market. That’s why all the companies conduct the marketing research when they are coming in market with new products.
In above we provide the importance of the marketing research for any organization. Market Research plays the very important role for the success and failure of the company products.

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Good info about the meaning of the research marketing methodology. People use marketing methodology to develop strategic marketing solutions.
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