Students while doing management courses, invariable come across questions related to management function. This tutorial on Coordination would provide a good homework help for students while they do work related to management functions. Coordination as a function of management refers to the task of integrating the activities of separate units of an organization to accomplish the goals efficiently. It is regarded as the essence of management. All the management functions planning, organizing, directing, controlling are based on the coordination. It is pervasive in nature and present in every organization.
Coordination through effective supervision: If the manager supervises the work of his subordinates effectively then it leads to have better coordination.
Coordination through the Process of Organization: Organizing helps in achieving the coordination. Proper delegation of authority at every level will make better coordination.
Coordination by Personal Contacts: If the people in the organization understand each other task through personal contact it will generate coordination.
Coordination through Effective Communication: Changes that have been made in the organization are communicated properly at every level then it will make better coordination.
Coordination by Group Meetings: Group meeting helps the managers to understand the needs of the different departments. Through this subordinates can exchange the ideas, information, and take the common decision that will integrate all the departments.
Mediator to Facilitate Coordination: If the personal contacts between the managers are not proper then mediator will facilitate better coordination. Sometimes general manager is treated as mediator.
External Coordination
Some of the measures should be adopted for making the coordination with external environment
Principles of Coordination
Coordination in the organization is based on certain principles
Early Start: Coordination should be kept in mind at the early stage. If all the activities are started with better coordination it will helps in achieving the results efficiently.
Direct Contact: Organization should have interpersonal contacts between different departments either horizontally or vertically. This will help in achieving mutual cooperation and better understanding among the members.
Reciprocal Relationship: It states that all the factors in an organization are related reciprocally with each other. All these factors should be balanced properly.
Continuity: Coordination is the ongoing process; proper balance should be made between day to day internal as well as external activities
Techniques of Coordination
Coordination through effective supervision: If the manager supervises the work of his subordinates effectively then it leads to have better coordination.
Coordination through the Process of Organization: Organizing helps in achieving the coordination. Proper delegation of authority at every level will make better coordination.
Coordination by Personal Contacts: If the people in the organization understand each other task through personal contact it will generate coordination.
Coordination through Effective Communication: Changes that have been made in the organization are communicated properly at every level then it will make better coordination.
Coordination by Group Meetings: Group meeting helps the managers to understand the needs of the different departments. Through this subordinates can exchange the ideas, information, and take the common decision that will integrate all the departments.
Mediator to Facilitate Coordination: If the personal contacts between the managers are not proper then mediator will facilitate better coordination. Sometimes general manager is treated as mediator.
External Coordination
Some of the measures should be adopted for making the coordination with external environment
- Managers have to analyze the external environment and should take corrective steps to cope with the external changes.
- Managers have to make good relations with the investors and customers. Interest of both should be highly coordinated with the organization.
- Managers should check its competitive strength regularly and take necessary actions timely.
- Managers should be aware about the technological changes in the external environment.
- Government rules and regulations should also be considered.
Principles of Coordination
Coordination in the organization is based on certain principles
Early Start: Coordination should be kept in mind at the early stage. If all the activities are started with better coordination it will helps in achieving the results efficiently.
Direct Contact: Organization should have interpersonal contacts between different departments either horizontally or vertically. This will help in achieving mutual cooperation and better understanding among the members.
Reciprocal Relationship: It states that all the factors in an organization are related reciprocally with each other. All these factors should be balanced properly.
Continuity: Coordination is the ongoing process; proper balance should be made between day to day internal as well as external activities
Great input you got there. New terms and things learned.
Good one!
Principles of coordination. I have always believed on how importance coordination is. But never thought it works this way. :)
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