Management Homework Help | Project Management Homework Help
In this management homework help you will the idea of the factors of good management you would apply to
establish this competitive advantage.
Factors of Good Management to
Establish Competitive Advantage

Six factor of successful management
are commitment of top level executives towards the workforce, aspiration of
recruiters and different practices to motivate them, maintaining alliances,
integration of business activities worldwide, maintaining core capabilities of
team, and aspiration of team to achieve goals and objectives. All these factors
are also essential to enhance the employee’s competencies and improve their
attitude and skills towards the firm, which enables the firms to achieve
competitive advantages.
All these factors are essential to
manage competitive advantage as high level of commitment between management and
employees improve their long term relationship and employee can trust on the
saying and doing of management. Without having a strong commitment level, it
would be difficult for the management to boost the morale of employees to work
with high zeal and enthusiasm. Additionally, some other factors to judge the
effectiveness of management towards employees are relationship with the
workers, experiences, loyalty, judgment of their intelligence, etc. All these
factors also allow the management to utilize the skills and abilities human
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