The response of the firms that follows corporate social responsibility would be positive. Firms that do not appoint the independent reps after reading this report firms will consider the independent reps to increase their sales and customer base (Schiffman, 2009). Assignment Help With the help of this report all the social responsible corporation will understand the importance of the marketing strategy. Firms effectively follow all the aspect related to the report.
During preparing the advertisement, firms will also consider this report and create effective advertisement plan. Firms will focus on the message that is contained in their advertisement presentation and will include clear message, information, humor etc. in their advertisement (Spoonfed Design, 2008). Firms that work in the U.S. will also focus on this report. Firms that do not follow Occupational Safety and Health Act after reading this report they will follow the OSHA and improve its work environment.
Schiffman, S. (2009). Selling When No One Is Buying: Growing Prospects, Clients, and Sales in Tough Economic Times.USA: Adams Media.
Spoonfed Design. (2008). Retrieved May 6, 2011 from

Schiffman, S. (2009). Selling When No One Is Buying: Growing Prospects, Clients, and Sales in Tough Economic Times.USA: Adams Media.
Spoonfed Design. (2008). Retrieved May 6, 2011 from