Friday, August 19, 2011

Case Study Research Approach

Research strategy works as a roadmap for the researcher to maintain and guide him/her to collect the data by following a systematic way. For the research, different strategies are used by the researchers to collect the data related for solving the research problem undertaken. Case study is one of the methods of research and it is predominately qualitative research based on a single case or multiple cases.

In the case study method, mainly three categories are included as exploratory, descriptive and explanatory case study. These are related with the research methodology or strategy. Exploratory research strategy indicates to explore main topic or point of the interest of the researcher on individual basis. Next, descriptive case study refers to the descriptive nature of the research point or data in terms of available different strategies and particular strategies are included in this type of methodology. Third type of case study is explanatory that shows the close examination of the collected data or research points by surface and deep level.

Along with this, some other case study strategies are available that are used by the researcher to solve their research problem. In this, case study, survey, etc can be used by the moderator or researcher to gather the information of the research. Under this strategy, many methods can be used by the researcher to collect the data. These methods are interview, observation, document analysis, etc. In the interview method, researcher and respondents interact with each other to communicate and identify the views of the participants on the research specific topic.

In the case study, observation of participants and analysis of company’s documentation process and strategies are included. Observation of the participants under the case study assists to maintain as well as foster relationship among the employees of the firm (Hoffmann, 2007).

Research has to decide whether to use single or multiple case studies for his/her research work. If researcher is investing an unresearch area, then single case study is preferable however when researcher wants to build theory, describe some phenomena or test a theory, in this situation, multiple case studies are better.

Case Study limit should be decided from the time and data perspective. It is very important to define what from the case is included and what is not included so that there is consistency in the data collected.

Research should select a precise case study method for using this kind of research strategy.


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